How and why you should review indie games

Game reviews are so important for an indie developer like us!

As a smaller games developer we can’t stress just how much reviews mean to us and how important they are.

Did you know 90% of all consumers will look at reviews before they purchase something online? Did you also know that Steam uses review numbers as a way to determine what games to promote?

If you love a game, review it!

We are often so in love with indie games that we forget to pop over and give them a thumbs up and leave a comment saying how much we liked it. By doing this you’ll be making our week, as well as helping others find the games we make.

How can you review?

You can review our games on Steam, Xbox, and PlayStation. If you’ve never left a review on any of these platforms, keep reading to learn how to help out small indie developers like us!

The more reviews we get the more we can improve our games and make more games in future, so by reviewing a game you’ll be helping us make even more awesome games!

How to review on STEAM:

Step 1: Once you’ve logged enough hours in a game, you’ll be prompted to write a review. OR If you’re not prompted then you can head over to the Store page of the game you want to review and start from there.

Steam Step 1.png

Step 2: Scroll down until you see the review box, and then write your review!

Steam Step 2.png

Step 3: Let people know if you recommend the game, then post the review!

Steam Step 3.png

How to review on XBOX:

Step 1: Go to the Microsoft store and find the game you want to review and go to its store page

Xbox Step 1.png

Step 2: Scroll down the store page until you reach “Ratings and reviews”

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Step 3: Click on “Rate and review” and you will be taken to the review page

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Step 4: Choose how many stars you want to give the game, and then click on “Add a review”.

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Step 5: Write your review, and then click “Submit now”!

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How to review on PLAYSTATION:

Step 1: Go to your Library


Step 2: Find the game you want to review in your Library

PlayStation Step 2.png

Step 3: Click on the three dots and click on Rate

PlayStation Step 3.png

Step 4: Choose your star rating, and you’re done!

PlayStation Step 4.png

How to review on

Step 1: Go to the store page


Step 2: Scroll down to “User reviews”, and select the amount of stars you want to give the game, and click “+ Add your review”


Step 3: Read GOG’s guidelines before you post


Step 4: Write your review and then click “Save my review” and you’re done!


Auroch Digital

Marketing and Community Managment for Auroch Digital in Bristol, UK.